New York Times Publishes Journalism Professor Phoebe Zerwick’s Piece on Deathbed Visions

Professor Phoebe Zerwick’s article, “What Deathbed Visions Teach Us About Living,” was published by the New York Times in mid-March. The piece, which describes hospice physician Chris Kerr’s personal and professional encounters with deathbed visions along with Prof. Zerwick’s own encounter with the phenomenon during her mother’s final moments, has drawn wide engagement since publication, with around 1,400 commenters sharing their own experiences with deathbed visions and what they learned from them. To read Prof. Zerwick’s article, please click here.


Note on New York Times access: WFU students, faculty and staff can utilize New York Times All Access for free through ZSR Library! Follow this link for instructions on setting up your account.


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