“The First Amendment is under attack in the United States. I think our journalism program is trying to reinforce the notion that the First Amendment is about free expression of ideas and free speech. And that the press has a role in our democracy as a fourth estate, as a public watchdog, so that democracy can work better. This is a lesson for anyone who is an American citizen or aspires to be, not just someone who aspires to be a journalist. And so I hope that we are continuing to cultivate that notion of civic empowerment.” Maria Henson, instructor in News Literacy and Associate Vice President & Editor-at-Large at Wake Forest University
The Journalism Program offers an interdisciplinary minor in the practice of journalism and its role in a free society. Students report and tell stories in a range of media as they learn to verify facts, establish their independence, and serve their readers or audience. Students will also practice reporting across differences, finding a range of voices, and understanding bias as they develop the cultural competence required of journalists. A minor in journalism pairs well with any major in the College or School of Business.
The Journalism minor consists of 18 credits, beginning with the gateway course JOU 270, Introduction to Journalism. JOU 278, News Literacy, is a second required course and can be taken at any time. Students take 12 hours of elective credit, which can be drawn from upper-level JOU courses or a list of courses in other departments across the College. Students may only count one elective toward another major or minor.
Students may also take Journalism courses for credit in such departments as Communication, Biology, Writing, Philosophy, Politics, and African American Studies, or for general elective credit.
To declare the Journalism minor, please follow the instructions listed here.
Please contact our Academic Coordinator, Caroline Livesay, at livesacc@wfu.edu , or Program Director Phoebe Zerwick at zerwicp@wfu.edu with any questions.