JOU 335S
Prof. Ivan Weiss
Multimedia Storytelling (3 Credit hours)
MTWR** 10:50-12:30 (CRN 53614)
Learn the building blocks of documentary storytelling: the basics of photography, cinematography and editing; how to conduct interviews for video and audio; lastly, a range of ideas regarding narrative structure. As a class, we will discuss and break down a wide range of multimedia stories. Throughout the term, you will complete exercises to hone your skills, and in a final project you will produce a compelling multimedia story of your own.
**Course Schedule:
Week 1 (May 30) – Thursday / one class / 100 minutes
Week 2 (June 3-6) – M-R, four days / 100 minutes each
Week 3 (June 10-13) – M-R, four days / 100 minutes each
Week 4 (June 17-19) – M-W, three days / 100 minutes for Monday and Tuesday, 50 minutes for Wednesday
Week 4/5 (June 17-27) – 2 workshop groups (online or in-person, dates and modality TBD)
Week 5, Final Class (June 27) – Screening/end celebration, TBD
Class Size: 18